Unique Learning System

For the first time in my career there is a systematic instructional tool that also has effective assessment with progress monitoring. We have come a long way from cut and paste! Teachers just coming into the field of Special Education will never know the pain of looking in magazines and newspapers for just the right image. When my best friend in college was rewiring a TV with a light show for her engineering class, I was cutting and pasting, typing lesson plans in triplicate with carbon paper on a manual type writer. Technology has brought us a long way and opened many doors for my students.

Unique Learning has given me the time to focus on interacting with students rather then writing elaborate lesson plans for administrators to “see” the differentiated learning that naturally happens in my classroom. The time spent creating materials in the evening is reduced to printing and laminating.

Yet is scares me that my colleagues coming into the career will not have the experience of thinking the lessons through, that technology will take away the creative thinking that we had to use to overcome the lack of materials.